It’s a brilliant idea, don’t you think? FREE!
And don’t be concerned if you’re not ready for a full commitment. My interest is meeting new potential clients AND spreading the wealth. A coach it forward approach. And when you do need help, I’ll be here. So let’s not get all bogged down in the relationship, let’s just check each other out and see what we learn. I’m up for it. And I won’t ask for anything in return.
I will build your social media plan for the next year for free. Let’s sit down and talk about your goals and ideas. I can help you understand what works and doesn’t work in social media marketing for small businesses. You get an actionable plan to grow your business. I get an opportunity to work with you and show you how Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Adwords, SEO, and blogging can all work together to bring you more business.
If you’re in Austin, Texas we can meet in person. Otherwise, we’ve been conducting meetings on Google+ and Skype for years, and we can connect with you virtually as well.
This is an honest offer. There is no catch.
Call us at 512-524-6684 or visit the contact page and shoot us an email about your business.